Title of the use: Freedom of Expression
Title of the article: Why is Freedom of Speech an Important
Right? When, if ever, can it be Limited ?
Source: https//www.nytimes.com/2018/12.html
Author: Michael Gonchar
a)Summary Narrative
One of the
founding principles of the United States that American cherish is the right of
freedom of speech. Enshrined in the first amendment to the constitution,
freedom of speech grants all americans the liberty to criticize the government
and speak their minds without fear of being censored or persecuted. Even though
the concept of freedom of speech on its face seems quite simple, in reality
these are complex lines that can be drawn around what kind of speech are
protected and in what setting.
The supreme
court declared in the case Schenck V.
united States in 1919 that individuals are not entitled to speech that presents
a “clear and present danger” to society. For example, a person cannot falsely
yell “fire” in a crowded theater because that speech doesn’t contribute to the
range of ideas being discussed in the society, yet the
risk someone getting injured is high. On the other hand, in Brandenburg V. Ohio in 1969, the court
declared that even inflammatory speech, such as racist language by the leader of
the Ku Khux Klan, should generally be protected unless it is likely to cause
imminent violence. While the text and principle of the First amendment have
stayed the same courts interpretation has indeed changed over time. Judges low
makers and scholars continue to struggle with balancing strong speech
protections with the necessity of maintaining a peaceful society.
b) What lesson have you learned?
I learned that freedom of expression is
fundamental human right. Through this, we can express our opinion and speak
freely is essential to bring about change in society. It applies to the
opportunity to freely share and receive any information we might interested. It
also gives special rights to the media because media inform society on matters
of public interest and create an important platform for public security, debate
and reflection.
What suggestions can you offer?
Freedom of speech is not only about ability to
speak, we should listen to others and allow other to be heard. Yes, we may say
that freedom of expression is one of our rights but free speech should have
limitations. This is when the freedom of expression of one person violates the
right of another person or the values of society as a whole. So, we must think
well before we throw any kinds of words to avoid crime and to have a peaceful
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